Android barcode scanner


IOT based AIDC products and systems designed in India

Android barcode scanner

The typical operations in warehouses like receiving, put away, order picking, and shipping gets simplified with Righto that even a temporary employee can do it quickly. Righto also comes with signature capture and warehouse management software-WMS, warehouse Scanner, warehouse barcode scanner. GPRS, GPS connectivity to enable logistics automation. With pocket-size Righto scanners the e-commerce and logistics delivery companies will be able to give real-time tracking of the parcel to the customers. The delivery person can scan the barcode of the parcel and capture the receiver’s signature on Righto or smartphone connected to miniRighto, Righto android barcode scanner improve accuracy particularly in ‘Reverse logistics’, ‘open deliveries’ and ‘first mile pick’ up by scanning barcodes of each item so as to ensure that there are no missing items.

Righto scanner | barcode scanner | pocket barcode

Material Receiving:

Righto can receive the material arrival invoice wirelessly over WiFi from the Warehouse Management System (WMS) software. The persons receiving the goods can just scan the barcodes on the boxes and verify the arriving material is as per the invoice and update the WMS software wirelessly.

Put Away

Righto can receive the put-away location of received material wirelessly from WMS software and put the material and update the WMS software with action completed notification.

warehouse barcode scanner
warehouse barcode scanner

Order Picking

Righto makes order picking much more efficient and accurate as it receives the order wirelessly from WMS software and receives the location of each item. As the item is picked and scanned, Righto updates the inventory count automatically, eliminating paper records and improving efficiency.


Righto guides the movement of products to the right places – containers, trucks, and vans – without stopping to fill out forms and check job sheets. Righto can send a notification to the WMS software over WiFi to indicate the completion of shipping action.

warehouse barcode scanner
warehouse barcode scanner


Righto and miniRighto enabled last-mile delivery is fully automated with signature capture and instant confirmation of delivery.